Custom Brand Air Purifiers/Ionizers

Here is a sample range of electric fans and air purifiers with inbuilt ionization technology.  Can be custom made for power supply AC220v or 110v.  Superior performance, portable to go from room to room, and cost effective.  Available for custom branding for wholesale traders.   Prices on application.   For more information, visit

Trade secret?  Nah, the technology of ionization is commonly used in treating air and water for a long time.  So what is ionization?  In simple scientific term: Ions are formed by gain or loss of an electron from an atom or molecule, if an atom or molecule gains an electron, it becomes negatively charged (an anion), and if it loses an electron, it becomes positively charged (a cation).  To explain in lay people language, when ionization is incorporated in the treatment of air or water, it produces the end product of air or water to a prescribed degree of purity.

Our motto:   Take the time to see and taste the fullness of life. It's worth whatever investment or money or sacrifice of time required on your part. 
Do your best to be good and be the best you can.

Custom Brand Alkaline Water

Water Ionizers

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