Our Stores

In this online store, we sell products branded KANGEN® and also other brand products of our networked partners.   This Online Store presents a small cross-section of our products related to air and water technology, for home or commercial use.   We cater and sell these products to retail consumers as well as volume-purchase wholesalers.   Subject to stock availability, some of the advertised products may be purchased in this Online Store or you may be directed to another of our networked channels where stock is available.   

Our Products

We depict the water theme for this Online Store, with a strong influence on alkaline water and ionized water.

So, what is alkaline water ot ionized water?   What are any differences?
Honestly, don't be confused by marketing jargons or health claims.  Outside of a different brand name and product descriptor, there are only two types of water under the descriptors of kangen water, alkaline water and ionized water, for human consumption.  One type is naturally collected from a ground water source and the other artificially generated by processing tap water through a water ionizing machine.  Read on.

Natural Alkaline Water

For example,  our flagship brand KANGEN® alkaline water is naturally sourced and contains a typical pH of 7.5

We also sell a selective range of other brands of natural alkaline water sourced from various parts of the world. 

Subject to meeting a minimum quantity requirement, we can also have your own brand of natural alkaline water packaged for you.

Artificial Alkaline Water

There is nothing wrong with the artificially generated alkaline water, ionized water or another descriptor of the likes.  That is, if you wouldn't mind the upfront investment of hundreds if not thousands of dollars on acquiring a water ionizing machine along with the purchase of the required filters and chemical consumables.  And not to forget the bottles or containers for storage of the processed water.

There are different machines on the marketplace with bells and whistles all claim to do the job of ionizing tap water.  Depends on your preferences, some machines do come with amazingly expensive pricetags.   Only consolation seems to be that some ionizing machines also claim to generate a by-product of acidic water (that is, water of low level pH) for kitchen cleaning and human skin treatment purposes.

Products & Services

Kangen Water

Kangen Air Purification

Kangen Services





Our motto:   Take the time to see and taste the fullness of life. It's worth whatever investment or money or sacrifice of time required on your part. 
Do your best to be good and be the best you can.

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